Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Not Happy: Copyright Takedown Notice & Dead Hard Drive

When I woke up this morning and checked my email, I found that I'd received another copyright takedown notice for an image that I used for a caption (Broken Plate) several months ago. It's not worth the effort to fight. Even if the use is non-commercial and may be fair use, it's just not worth it. But it upsets me anyway. I don't see how posting that image, with a caption added, harms the owner of the copyright in the image itself. I'm not taking away sales of the image or reducing its value. I'm not claiming any ownership in the image. All I'm doing -- all that the captioning community is doing -- is having a little innocent (if X-rated) fun.

And on top of that, I found that one of the external hard drives that I use to store images that I might choose to caption is completely and totally dead. I'm hoping that the problem is the power supply such that I can yank the drive itself out and install it in another enclosure, but that's a project for a long weekend that I don't have right now.
