Sunday, July 22, 2012

Formspring Question #2

Hey, I got another question on Formspring! (Well, actually, I've received several over recent months but almost all of them have been non-question questions (in other words, the questions didn't actually ask anything and several were, frankly, wholly unintelligible).

Anyway, here is the question that I received from someone (anonymously, apparently):
what is ur favorite type of caption
An interesting question. I've actually started (and stopped and started again and stopped...) writing a post about my likes and dislikes. I may return to that at some point. But to the direct question, I'd have to say that the first thing that my favorite captions require is a good image. The woman has to be beautiful (or at least really sexy). Believe it or not, I'd rather see her partially dressed in sexy clothes than totally nude (but it depends on the story, I guess). As for the story itself, I tend to prefer non-consensual transformations where the transformed woman becomes a bimbo or a slut. I don't really care whether it's magic or science responsible for the change. But I want the change to result in pleasure, not pain. Usually.

Hope that answers.