Friday, July 20, 2012

Claims of Copyright Infringement

I'm curious to know if other TG bloggers have received requests to remove images on the basis of copyright infringement and, if so, whether you have simply complied with the request, rejected the request (on the basis of fair use or otherwise), or entered into some kind of dialogue with the person asserting the copyright. Unfortunately, the image at issue (which I've already taken down, at least temporarily) was one of the most popular captions that I've ever posted: Stupid Wish.

Obviously, this blog is just a hobby. I'm not making any money at it and I'm not looking to get into litigation with anyone over a caption that I've created. On the other hand, I'm a strong believer in the doctrine of fair use and don't react well to people who believe that simply shouting "copyright" is both the beginning and end of the story.

So I'm not sure if I'm going to leave post without the image or ... um ... I don't know.
